미드 영어공부 혼자하기 크라우드디 시즌1 12화 have a thing
- Dad, it's not that big a deal.
it's not that big a deal. 별거 아니다. 지난 11화에도 나왔는데, 그때는 no biggie였죠.
http://hi007.tistory.com/2181 여기에 여러 변형 표현 모아놓았습니다.
- the impossibly high standards gay men put on each other lead to chronic insecurities and body dysmorphia.
chronic insecurities 만성 불안정
body dysmorphia 신체 이형증
- All right, buckaroos.
buckaroos 카우보이
- I came up with that horse line.
came up with 찾아내다
- Wow, someone's got a crush.
got a crush 반하다
- Wow. I always thought he had a thing for you.
have a thing 남녀가 서로 좋아하는데, 아직 정식으로 사귀는 사이는 아닌 상태.
- Dad, you should have seen Mom. She was totally vibing on this one stripper.
vibe on 공감하다 통하다
- A mother's love... plus four appletinis.
appletini 칵테일. 보드카와 사과주스 혼합. Apple martini.
By Jessica Merz from Novato, USA - Appletini, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2944747
- Way I see it, he's just a hot set of walking abs
abs 보디빌딩 복근 abdominal muscles
- Margaret's son turned their Honda Odyssey into a meth lab.
meth 메탐페타민 methamphetamine 각성제. 필로폰. 마약.
- Let me buy. I've got a lot of singles to get rid of.
single 1달러짜리 지폐
- Yeah. I'm pretty sure he's into you.
be into 좋아하다 관심 있다
- I have to take this. It's my agent.
I have to take this 나 지금 걸려온 전화 받아야 해.
자주 들리는 표현이네요. 전화가 오면 대개 이 말을 합니다.
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