미드영어 워킹데드 시즌8 4화
We face dire challenge and chance.
dire {다이어} 엄청난
We will leave our loved ones to traverse a dangerous road.
traverse {츄버스} 횡단하다, 가로지르다
We will honor and protect this -- this bastion of life in a land of the dead, and we will win.
bastion {빼스티언} 수호자, 보루, 요새
Asshats, get those guns and let's screw the hell off now!
asshat (미국영어) 바보
Better the dead be my end than a despot's meaningless foot soldier.
despot {데쓰팟ㅌ} 폭군
Just some meaningless con man in a costume.
con man 사기꾼
I'm going to borrow this for a sec.
sec 잠깐 second의 준말
A marauder in the woods once.
marauder {멀라더} 약탈자
I was meek.
meek 온순한, 말 잘 듣는
Those weekend matinees, those nights.
matinee {맷니이} 공연
considering who I'd be in either iteration.
iteration {이러레이션} 반복
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